The Hellinger Institute of Northern California
Mark Wolynn, Director

Carola Castillo is the Co-Founder of The Bert Hellinger Institute of Western PA, as well as the Founder and Director of the Bert Hellinger Institutes of Venezuela, Ecuador and Santo Domingo . A Systemic Therapist and Family Constellation Therapist, trained by the Bert Hellinger Institute of Berlin, she supervises, coordinates and facilitates workshops and training programs in Bert Hellinger's phenomenological systemic therapy in Latin America and USA. She has presented her work at the World Congress of Family Constellation Work in Mexico, Germany and The United States, demonstrating the latest approach in individual therapy and shamanism in Family Constellations. Her book, Echoes of the Past, and her videos are available in Spanish and several other languages.

Carola Castillo

Bert Hellinger Institute of Venezuela
CC Los Samanes Piso 2  Of: 204
Tele-fax (58) 212- 9459917



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